

Satoshi Wacky

Satoshi Wacky

東京都 在住 / Tokyo, Japan


1973年 東京都町田市生まれ、印刷系のIT会社勤務。








  • 「アサヒカメラ」2010年5月号 組写真部門 5位入選(大西みつぐ先生選)
  • 「アサヒカメラ」2009年10月号 組写真部門 2位入選(ハービー・山口先生選)


2010年3月「CP+2010 御苗場」出展

2011年3月「CP+2011 御苗場」出展




Canon EF-S 17-55 F2.8 IS / RICOH GXR A12 50mm / TOKINA AT-X 535 PRO DX 50-135mm F2.8 etc.

My domain

( Firstly I can write English sentence ‘a little’. Perhaps I will be a childish garden in English conversation. )
I am born in Tokyo for 1973 years. I am a weekend photographer working in an IT company.
I experienced product design (development whole) in a small auto equipment maker. I kept the experience that got close to the official and private matters for the making of  Web site from Web Genesis alive and changed my job afterwards to Web. I work with Web director  mainly and engage in information security-related duties now.

My action for the photograph

I had drown car pictures and design sketching, during to former work since the days of my infant. I subscribe to some car magazines since the days of a junior high student, and the result or I am better at photograph / picture than letter.
I met Mac, CG (Photoshop, Illustrator), 3DCG (SHADE), and Web design for school days. All the time, I subscribed to a Web design magazine, but the change of job back is stained with SE and business design steadily in the IT company, LOL.
I have begun to take a photograph seriously from about summer, 2008. I became the transfer from the hard work of Web director and disturbed physical condition just when I calmed down and came to do snapshots while walking the downtown area earnestly.
While I did so, I came to feel Wabi Sabi (Mononoaware) for the scene of a human being / the breath of creatures / the something.
In addition, my relative of mother have  lived in Tokyo from about 1900 at the latest (in other words, EDOite).
From its influence, I am interested about ‘IKI’ spirit of Tokyo very much. When it is very difficult to explain ‘IKI’ of Tokyo by words, but imagines an atmosphere of ASAKUSA that may be plain for you.
In such a thing, I take street snaps well (except a family event) .
For me, photograph is not the splendid solemn graphic arts and is any pretty thing : It is only one mere contents. I feel that I compare it in words like copyright and Haiku(Japanese poem).
However, I think that the photograph is one of a material which it is the most straightforward and abyss in contents.